Decided to call into the Yorkshire Game Fair today at Harewood (I’m of working class origins so it’s pronounced AIR-WUD). Have to say I’m glad I went! Saw this chap display his birds of prey which included an eagle and a couple of vultures, impressive stuff. Also saw Hywel Morgan give a 30 minute casting display on the lake, along with his very young daughter who could Spey cast!! Of course, the most exciting aspect was having an opportunity to indulge my tackle fetish but there weren’t many stalls there unfortunately. I did pick up a 6 piece Wychwood Quest 9ft # 6 travel rod though. Ordinarily, I’d’ve dismissed such a rod as low-end tat, assuming that a 6 piece rod for £90 would be a sloppy mess. But that’s the beauty of events like game fairs, you can try before you buy, and by trying it I found that I could put the lion’s share of a 35 yard line through the rings!! And look how small it packs down!! When I was a lad, all rods
were 2 piece and interefered with gear changes

I’ll let you know how I get on with it in real life, for this Friday is day one of our 2010 ASSYNT FISHING HOLIDAY! GET IN THERE!!