It was a nice sunny day on Friday, but I didn’t have a nice sunny morning….sigh. However, I managed to wangle a half-day annual leave and (eventually) got my ass up to the reservoir(s). Bright sunshine, not a breath of wind, no rising fish….man I sure do pick my days!
Good times though – caught 2 nice brownies off John O’ Gaunts and landed one rainbow off Beaverdyke. All were caught on a size 12 pearly ribbed CDC shuttlecock buzzer
I did also manage to hook and briefly play another couple of rainbows on Beaverdyke using a scruffy black pearl ribbed (for my pleasure?) Shipman’s Buzzer.

John O’ Gaunts
Keep on checking the blog for updates, because I’m hoping to do a photoshoot of topless women at various Yorkshire reservoirs. I’ve not planned anything. I’m just saying, y’know, I’m hoping to do a photoshoot of topless women at various Yorkshire reservoirs…….