Dry Fly Sherry?!

Happy New Year!


Just come across a rather fetching bottle of sherry, unopened I might add. God knows how old it is – probably undrinkable now but you’ve gotta love the name, the label and the free Bloody Butcher it came with!!

Never on a morning…unless it’s Christmas

What’s the fly on the label, is it a Sherry Spinner?! Anyway, I wonder when I’ll next get onto the Wharfe to check that fly out? Because at the moment there is no point even contemplating it as the weather is dire. There are probably detailed articles appearing in magazines as we speak explaining how you can actually catch loads of Grayling using size 22 dry flies and 6ft #2 weight rods even when the river is the colour of milky tea and brimming over the bank up but frankly, fcuk that for a game of cards. I think I’ll wait or, as mentioned earlier, try get out for a day’s pike fishing on a stillwater somewhere. Or maybe I should just sit in Roundhay Park hurling abuse at passers by whilst necking the Sherry.

Bloody Butcher


6 thoughts on “Dry Fly Sherry?!

  1. Dave

    Great site, Im coming over from Canada in March to visit my mom and dad who live near Pickering. I would love to catch a brown trout and wondered if you had any recommendations?

    1. Bob Post author

      Hi Dave

      When in March exactly? The brown trout closed season varies throughout the country but usually runs up until middle/end of March. During the brown trout closed season you can still fish for rainbows and of course many Stillwater trout fisheries hold both Browns and Rainbows. In the rivers you can also fish for Grayling.

      Useful info about license cost and closed seasons etc can be found at http://www.environment-agency.gov.uk/homelandleisure/recreation/fishing

      There is actually a trout fishery in Pickering called Pickering trout lake (pickeringtroutlake.co.uk) which is open from 23rd March onwards. Also have a look at http://www.mulberry-whin.com

      I’ll also email you a PDF which contains lots of ideas on places to fish in the area including river fishing for brownies.


    1. Andrew Duncan

      The fly on the bottle is a pattern of sherry spinner. The one on the box is indeed a bloody butcher, and is captioned as such!Andrew

  2. John c Walker

    In 1962, I started work in a grocer, which sold,
    Dry Fly sherry. It was also the year I started
    Dry Fly fishing, my lifelong passion.
    I have a full bottle, of Dry Fly sherry,
    never touched, from 1962.

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