Dark have been my dreams of late…

For too long I have been swept along on a tide of pike fishing mania. This weekend I did a couple of things to get me back on track and ready for next month.

1) I tied up a couple of flies. A strange duo, but they were flies and not deadbaits so it’s all good! I was a little rusty though, and the concentration was evident

Hard at work

An here we have the results. A nice black Klink with a rather chubby thorax and a slightly spartan hackle, and a weird little wet-fly/lure thing that was an idea bouncing around in my head.

2) I have joined Bradford City Angling Association! Bit left field, but I reckon it’s just what’s needed to get me out and about fishing some different bits of water. They’ve got beats on the Aire, the Wharfe, Ribble and Swale as well as some bits of the Leeds and Liverpool canal, Aire and Calder and 3 stillwaters.

Ready for action!

Money well spent I reckon, already I’m excited about getting out on a river and catching some grayling and trout. Maybe a pike or 2 as well ggaaah nooo stop it stop it you foul beast.




3 thoughts on “Dark have been my dreams of late…

  1. Simon Huthwaite

    Interestingly (or not) I’m in the throes of an almost exact reversal of your current situation! Have membership to a very good private coarse water in Liverpool and a vast amount of gear yet zero psyche for it at the moment. Fly fishing fills my dreams and aspirations right now… Maybe the tench waking up will bring me back?

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