Roundhay Fly Fishers update

Just a quick post to keep members up to speed with things. We had a report that weed was starting to build up around some of the margins of John O’ Gaunts so the call went out for volunteers for a working party. Only four of us could meet at such short notice but, armed with state of the art weed clearing equipment, we managed to open up some channels on the South bank. To be honest there were already plenty of spots for anglers to cast from despite the weed but it doesn’t harm to have more options.

A slightly shell shocked stickleback came to the surface and and reminded us a) how big Kevin’s hands are and b) how handsome the stickleback is! Hopefully he made a full recovery and found some peace and quiet! (the fish, not Kevin)


2 thoughts on “Roundhay Fly Fishers update

  1. mark benson

    Hi, ive just returned to live in Yorkshire after over 20 years away.
    As a keen fly fisherman im now looking to join a club or syndicate in the leeds/yorkshire region.
    Any help, advice or information you could give would be much appreciated,

    Many thanks

    Mark Benson

  2. Martin McKibbin

    I would be keen to join a group of fly fishermen in Roundhay. I have not been fishing for a few years but am keen to start again.

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