
Wet n’dry
Wet n’dry

Wet n’dry

Twitter is addictive, it’s digital crack for the feeble minded (myself included). It’s also a reflection on how messed up the human race has become. You sit there thumbing through pictures of kittens/tanks getting blown up/motivational posts/arguments with death threats…

Assynt Blog….wait, no – it’s Gairloch again…2015
Assynt Blog….wait, no – it’s Gairloch again…2015

Assynt Blog….wait, no – it’s Gairloch again…2015

    It’s October. edit:In fact no it’s now November. The trout season is over, nights are drawing in, leaves are changing colour and falling off the trees and yet there has been no annual fishing holiday blog. Disgraceful. I’ve…