Back in May I was a-hankering for a solo fishing expedition but also keen to have a family holiday in Scotland so following the success of last year’s dual purpose mission we decided to use the same formula again. The…

Back in May I was a-hankering for a solo fishing expedition but also keen to have a family holiday in Scotland so following the success of last year’s dual purpose mission we decided to use the same formula again. The…
Today I awoke at 5:50 am and could not get back off to sleep despite having a late night so decided to cut my losses after an hour wasted on social media and get my ass to the Wharfe. I…
I am fortunate that my fishing club has access to both a stretch of the Wharfe and a reservoir for a bit of stillwater action as well. I haven’t fished said reservoir (with its mix of browns and rainbows) for…
Twitter is addictive, it’s digital crack for the feeble minded (myself included). It’s also a reflection on how messed up the human race has become. You sit there thumbing through pictures of kittens/tanks getting blown up/motivational posts/arguments with death threats…
I barely fished over Winter, what with family commitments, trying to keep fit and lousy weather all occupying/affecting any time not spent at my desk pushing ones and zeros around the ether in an increasingly dull but stressful job. What…
As regular readers of this blog will know, the highlights of my angling calendar were always the annual week’s fishing in either Assynt or Wester Ross in June with mates, followed by a long weekend later in the year in…
I managed to squeeze in an extended May Bank Holiday trip to the NW Highlands last month with my girlfriend. It was more about enjoying the scenery, having a relatively relaxing few days and soaking up the almost unheard of…
We’re into the back end of April and finally a trout fishing post! This Thursday we had the first outing of 2018 for the Roundhay Fly Fishers and as always it was West Tanfield (AKA Tanfield Lodge)where we kicked…
Yesterday was a welcome day off and seeing as the clocks are about to go back I decided to try get the most out of the day by getting out on the BCAA stretch of the River Aire. You…
We’ve been contacted by Shane from Star Carr fishery over in East Yorkshire who advises the following: Please be advised the Starcarr Trout farm and lakes site was sold in March 2016 and we are now the new owners We…