Myself and Stu have invested considerable time, effort and money over the festive season to move the site over to new hosting and into a format where all content is managed via WordPress. This means I no longer have to submit new content for the ‘main site’ to Stu for uploading into HTML or whatever the hell it was he did. I can do it all myself AND readers can now comment on the fishery reviews in the same way as you can comment on the blog.
The latter is particularly useful because a lot of the fishery reviews were done several years ago when Stu still had hair, and I wasn’t going grey. A lot has changed since then, and I’m hoping readers will submit recent information, reports etc to scarify things up a bit.
What does 2012 have in store? Well, another trip to Assynt is booked in for June so there will, of course, be an Assynt 2012 blog to follow and hopefully a few more weekend missions into the Lakes and Scotland. I’ve packed in smoking now so need to get out and do more hill walking to keep fit and stop the inevitable slide into morbid obesity.
Tight Lines!
Hello Bob,
Please can I contact you and/or your club secretary regarding our plans to undertake a tracking programme of the spring run on the Ribble. At present I have an email address for your secretary which was passed on to me although I don’t know whether this is still valid.
Many thanks,
Gareth Jones