Assynt here we come..again!

Not long to go until the start of another Assynt fishing trip! I’ve been very reserved with my pre-holiday purchases, but look at that selection of flies below – money well spent I say. We got some good ‘big loch’ combos in there  – solid point flies and nice bushy droppers but also some cheeky little dries for the hill lochs. Of course, I tie my own so will also be knocking out a few more myself before we go but I don’t seem to have as much time as I used to so output will be limited. I cannot wait and yet I know only too well that in no time at all I’ll be sat back at this same desk, holiday gone. I need someone to come along and pay me handsomely to advertise on this site, enough so I can quit my job in IT!

Flies Online order

One thought on “Assynt here we come..again!

  1. Graham Williams

    Looking forward to this years blog, it was very tough in May but I have heard that it all got a lot better 1st June onwards.
    Back in Assynt you will be back on familiar territory so no worries. Try the lochs south of Crocach I am assured they are there but rose nought but saw a keen fisherman the Osprey while out there in the hills.
    Decided to go back up in July so will add some fish and photos to my blog at some stage.
    cheers Graham

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