This Thursday saw the annual Roundhay Fly Fishers flytying competition and the pattern chosen was a CDC buzzer on a size 14 hook, an almost guaranteed fish catcher on the right day. I love scruffy seal fur thoraxes on buzzers/emergers and the addition of a pinch of Mosaic dubbing adds a subtle flash which should hopefully make it look more ‘alive’. We had a great turn out on the night and no expense was spared with lashings of tea, coffee and biscuits to fuel the intense fluff-turning. There was some stiff competition but but yours truly managed to clinch victory to once again add my name to the associated trophy.
Quite when I will get to use it or indeed any other fly is another matter because just when we thought Spring was on its way the weather has gone to shit again. When I finally do get out I’m also looking forward to trying my new Airflo Outlander vest / backpack thing which I bought in the Black Friday sales. I’ve had a Wychwood Riverman shoulder bag for nearly 20 years and it’s done sterling work but it is awkward to wade with and often gets left on the bank meaning I have to collect it before moving on. If the Outlander replaces it I am seriously considering turning the Riverman into a stylish waterproof manbag :-D.
Be seeing you… 😉