I am fortunate that my fishing club has access to both a stretch of the Wharfe and a reservoir for a bit of stillwater action as well. I haven’t fished said reservoir (with its mix of browns and rainbows) for…

I am fortunate that my fishing club has access to both a stretch of the Wharfe and a reservoir for a bit of stillwater action as well. I haven’t fished said reservoir (with its mix of browns and rainbows) for…
I had originally scheduled this weekend for a mission to Wester Ross which in retrospect was a ludicrously optimistic notion with a 4 month old baby at home and important deadlines at work to keep on top of. So, I…
Just a quick post to keep members up to speed with things. We had a report that weed was starting to build up around some of the margins of John O’ Gaunts so the call went out for volunteers for…
We’re into the back end of April and finally a trout fishing post! This Thursday we had the first outing of 2018 for the Roundhay Fly Fishers and as always it was West Tanfield (AKA Tanfield Lodge)where we kicked…
I’ve been holed up most of Winter with various injuries and ailments going increasingly round the bend. However last weekend I was finally fit and well enough to do something fishing related but alas the rivers were bollocksed. However…
After boxing off a load of chores on Saturday I had Sunday free to do as I pleased which meant I could go fishing for the first time in ages. Stu wanted to have a crack at the pike…
We’ve been contacted by Shane from Star Carr fishery over in East Yorkshire who advises the following: Please be advised the Starcarr Trout farm and lakes site was sold in March 2016 and we are now the new owners We…
The title is a bit of an IT related pun which I’m rather pleased with but anyway, the relevance is I’ve somehow managed to write a big fat blog post about probably one and a half hour’s fishing and one fish.…
I must hold my hands up and confess to dereliction of duty in terms of trout fishing so far this year. Between my developed interest in pike fishing, family issues, training and completing the Fellsman and awful weather I’ve not…